QTREEMESH: Generating QuadTree Mesh from Images

Original image (left) and QuadTree-meshed image (right)


QTREEMESH is a Python package that simplifies the generation of Quadtree meshes from images. Quadtree structures, known for their efficiency in spatial data representation, find applications in image processing and finite element analysis. This package provides an intuitive interface for seamlessly generating Quadtree meshes, enabling various image processing and analysis techniques.

Features (v0.1.2)

  • Perform QuadTree decomposition of images
  • Generate QuadTree mesh
  • Export as vtk format
  • Generate FEM-friendly mesh (handling hanging nodes)


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Project Link: https://github.com/Sad-Abd/qtreemesh

Seyed Sadjad Abedi-Shahri
Seyed Sadjad Abedi-Shahri
PhD in Biomechanics | Adjunct Lecturer

My research interests include Numerical Methods in Biomechanics, Scientific Computation, and Computational Geometry.