pyPolyMesher: Polygonal mesh generator

Polygonal mesh on Cook’s membrane


PyPolyMesher is a powerful Python library designed for polygon mesh generation, drawing inspiration from the renowned MATLAB PolyMesher program. Leveraging the flexibility and efficiency of Python, this library empowers users to effortlessly create polygonal meshes using signed distance functions of different domains.


  • Seamlessly generate structured quadrilateral elements from specified points.
  • Effortlessly create unstructured polygon elements using randomly generated points.
  • Comprehensive SDF support for all example domains featured in the original program.
  • Easily generate the SDF for new domains with user-friendly functionality.
  • Import polygon-shaped domains directly from dxf files.

Explore the example file for detailed insights into features and usage.


Distributed under the GPLv3 License. Refer to LICENSE for mdetailed licensing information.


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Seyed Sadjad Abedi-Shahri
Seyed Sadjad Abedi-Shahri
PhD in Biomechanics | Adjunct Lecturer

My research interests include Numerical Methods in Biomechanics, Scientific Computation, and Computational Geometry.