Engineering Mathematics Project 1: Mandelbrot Set Exploration

Mandelbrot fractal

Project Overview

This project aims to explore the fascinating world of complex numbers through the lens of the Mandelbrot set—a quintessential mathematical object that beautifully demonstrates the complexity arising from simple iterative processes in the complex plane. By combining mathematical theory, computational methods, and visualizations, this project offers a hands-on journey into the intersection of mathematics and computational science.

Learning Objectives

Project Description


The Mandelbrot set is defined by a simple yet powerful iterative function in the complex plane: $$z_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c$$ Where:

This simple formula generates one of the most intricate and aesthetically fascinating structures in mathematics, offering a deep connection between numerical computation and visual patterns.

Project Stages

1. Theoretical Foundation (20%)

2. Computational Implementation (40%)

Develop a program to generate the Mandelbrot set with the following requirements:

3. Advanced Exploration (20%)

Choose and implement at least two of the following:

4. Mathematical Analysis (20%)

Investigate the mathematical properties of the Mandelbrot set:

Technical Requirements


  1. Comprehensive report including:
    • Theoretical background
    • Detailed explanation of implementation
    • Source code with annotations
    • Visualizations and advanced explorations
    • Mathematical analysis and insights
  2. Executable program: Capable of generating and visualizing the Mandelbrot set
  3. Presentation: A clear and engaging explanation of the project, its significance, and findings

Evaluation Criteria

Bonus Challenges

  1. The wikipedia pages for the Mandelbrot set
  2. Paul Bourke’s Mandelbrot Set GuideA practical resource with examples and code.
  3. 3Blue1Brown: Visualizing the Mandelbrot SetAn engaging video with animations.
  4. Computational Physics by Mark Newman - Includes practical approaches to numerical computation, which are helpful for implementing the Mandelbrot set.
  5. Real Python: Generating the Mandelbrot Set in Python - A step-by-step guide to creating and visualizing the Mandelbrot set in Python.

Submission Guidelines