Coding Microblog


Num: 5
I like solving problems on Codewars. Today I also learned how to convert a decimal degree to degree:minute:seconds.


Num: 4
Today I finished what I started yesterday. It was fun, but far too easy! The most difficult part is to find out what the test machine wants from you and in what structure. I usually solve the problems very quickly and then spend significant time figuring out what is going on in the tests and why my program does not satisfy the tests!


Num: 3
Today I practiced with Exercism on some python data structures’ basics (tuples, dicts, and sets). All exercises was simple but I always appreciate reviewing basics. I want to take part in Exercism D&D Challenge, but there are prerequisites that should be met before participating. One more mandatory exercise, and then I can begin the challenge.


Num: 2

Today I learned Regular expression. I really hate that subject! and any other string and character related topics. It’s a chapter of a book1 that I find it really usefull and don’t want to simply scape any chapter of it. It also dedicated some parts to grep and sed, verrrry boring! 😒

  1. Effective Computation in Physics by Anthony Scopatz and Kathryn D. Huff ↩︎


Num: 1

Today is the first day of my coding challenge. 🎉 I spent the whole day preparing this page. 😶 I added some microblog style to this site, which is currently used only in this section. By the way, here is the plan:

Code every day and summarize it here!