Seyed Sadjad Abedi-Shahri

Seyed Sadjad Abedi-Shahri

PhD in Biomechanics | Adjunct Lecturer

Sahand University of Technology


Sadjad recently completed his PhD in biomechanics at Sahand University of Technology, where he currently serves as an adjunct lecturer sharing his expertise with students. His research interests lie at the intersection of Numerical Methods in Biomechanics, Scientific Computing, and Trauma Biomechanics. During his doctoral studies, he focused on advancing the field of Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) and its application in tissue biomechanics. Beyond his primary research, he is also passionate about computational geometry and its potential applications in various domains. Through his work, Sadjad aims to contribute to the development of innovative computational methods to better understand and address complex biomechanical problems.

  • Numerical Methods in Biomechanics
  • Scientific Computation
  • Computational Geometry
  • Trauma Biomechanics
  • PhD in Biomedical Engineering - Biomechanics, 2019-2024

    Sahand University of Technology

  • MSc in Biomedical Engineering - Biomechanics, 2016-2019

    Sahand University of Technology

  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2011-2015

    Birjand University


Python Python
Fortran Fortran
Octave Octave/Matlab
Git Git
Abaqus Abaqus
Catia Catia
Rhino GH
Other utilities
3D Slicer
Latex LaTeX

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Recent Publications

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(2022). A Scaled Boundary Finite Element Formulation for Solving Plane-Strain Viscoelastic Problems. EJMSOL.


(2020). Numerical analysis of human head with implant under impact. In ICBME2020.

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